Friday, January 23, 2009

rain on my parade

the weekend we've all been waiting for has finally arrived! i'm picking up R from the airport in 4 hours... then it's off to find a dance floor or 2.! R suggested we choose our evening's adventure based on what we choose to wear... which is brilliant. personally, when i choose my outfits everyday, what i put on has everything to do with my mood... what's inspiring me.. and what's on my mind. we reflect the swirlings of our inner thoughts in a combination of colors and patterns and shapes. high heels or flats. so why wouldn't we take our day to where (wear) our outfit wants to be seen. it's brilliant. i love it.

it is raining, however, and as much as i hate the gloomy, icky cold weather, i'm going to embrace it. my car was clean, now it's not, but whatever, at least there's fun to be had!

vegas.......... i'll be seeing you real soon. :)

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