Tuesday, August 25, 2009

a good one

i've been trying to find a top notch friend to laugh over nothing with, since my bests do still
insist on living far, far away. a good one i may have found; her drunken nonsense last night reminded me of the love you have for a friend just because you do. that moment, when she's yelling at her highest pitch voices, words that don't make sentences, but you get it, that's the moment you know.

1 comment:

Moi Personnellement je said...


I don't know you, I just ended up on you blog because I clicked on you profile in the Local Native's list of followers.

Still, I have read your blog. I like it, and I like the bits of life you scattered in it. And this post made me smile, because my best friends are living in another country, and they recently came here to visit me and yes, I understand what you mean in this post.

I guess I'm going to add you to my RSS if you don't mind.