Friday, April 10, 2009

morning sighs.

it's a gloomy 61 degrees outside, and chances of rain are in the forecast. it's definitely one of those mornings in los angeles that i just want to stay in bed. i'd like to be snuggled under the covers, a soft blanket up to my sleeping eyes. i suppose i wouldn't deny some good ol' fashioned spooning either. imagine the kind of sleep that happens with smiles. mm...

alas, it is not saturday. on this t.g.i.f. morning, i found the motivation deep inside of me to crawl to the bottom of the bed, and find balance above my two feet. leaving a sleeping T and K, i found my way to my car for a peaceful, kcrw filled daydream of a drive to work.

now i'm sitting in a very quiet office. both bosses are out today, so in a way, my relaxation can continue. there's nothing to watch on tv, so i'm enjoying the silence for now. and luckily, i've got a blanket right here at my desk. the ac in this building is oh so aggressive.

i did happen to notice a kiddie carnival at the corner of riverside and los feliz on my way to work. maybe if the rain rain goes away, i can catch up on my snuggles on the ferris wheel tonight. no single riders here. ;)

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